Friday, April 27, 2007


A twenty-four minute report. Coded as a consult (#10). Typed it all until realizing it's a discharge summary. Twenty-four minutes = me typing for about 50 minutes. So, I made a block of it and deleted it while replacing it on the buffer (apparently like copying it). I then backed out of the report without saving it (what was the point in saving it since it was the wrong report type and management gets freaky when you leave too many "Canceled reports"), opened a new report this time under the NS (Narrative Summary) code, entered the doctors to get copies, went into the main body and hit "Insert" and....



Nothing at all. Tried alt+V, which is the program's "paste" button. Again, nothing.

That's right. The program had a glitch and the insert function wasn't working. And yes, that's right. I have to retype the twenty-four minute report. All. Over. Again.

I only regret that the poor new casual typist had to hear the profanity coming from me. I could have shot the computer right there.

I hate computers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved that picture you put in this post...and can totally relate to your desire to at times shoot the computer. Happens in a lot of places, but now that they're working so hard (at least in the good ol' U.S. of A.) to computerize health records, I'm sure it will get far worse before it gets better. Hang in there...some days are just a bit crazier than others.